RedX Dance are celebrating their 5th Anniversary this year. Who could have known all those years ago, that we would be where we are today. Starting with one dance class and one child, we now have nearly 400 children, with over 100 children taking more than one dance lesson.
At first it was small steps, but once the word was out, it took on a life of its own and RedX has been growing steadily year on year.
We decided early on that we needed our own premises so that we could expand the range and type of dance classes. We were absolutely thrilled when the old St John’s Ambulance Building came up for sale and after a lot of hard work bringing the building up to standard, RedX Dance Studio opened its doors in May 2016. Since then we haven’t looked back.
In the last year we’ve put on lots more new classes, including 2 more Fire classes ages 9 - 11 yrs a new Boy’s class, an extra Blaze ages 12-14 yrs, 2 Contemporary class and 5 new Competition classes including an over 18 class as well as a parents group. The Studio is open 5 nights a week and we host special events during half-term including Workshops, sleepovers and private lessons as well as anniversary and birthday parties at the weekend.
My dear mother use to say that as “One Door closes another door opens?” and she’s right. From the end of a chapter renting to a new beginning running our own Dance Studio. We’ve been able to expand and open our doors to more children, more ages and more abilities.
We are open to lots of new possibilities and lots more fun. Can’t wait to see what the next few years have to bring. Why not find out more by emailing us redxdance@outlook.com